“Do it scared.”

In the quiet corners of the internet, I embarked on a journey that was both terrifying and liberating. It's a journey that led me to open up in ways I never thought possible. For years, my blog and journals had been a repository of scattered thoughts & sporadic musings. But recently, something changed.

I found the courage to share more—my raw, unfiltered thoughts, and even my deepest wounds. It wasn't an easy decision. After all, I knew my audience. They were friends, family, people who had known me for years. The idea of opening up to them about the innermost corners of my mind was daunting, to say the least, but life has a curious way of nudging us towards the uncomfortable, the things that scare us, and the truths we've long held in the shadows. I recently self-published my first book, a project that exposed the most traumatic parts of my life. Writing it was a journey through painful memories, nightmares, and moments of despair.

There were days when I questioned if anyone would want to read such a harrowing tale. Would my words resonate with others, or would they fall into the void of indifference? Yet, every time I put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, I felt a release—a catharsis of sorts. It was as though the act of writing about my experiences was a lifeline to healing.

In this digital age, we often share the curated highlights of our lives on social media. We hide our struggles behind filters and emojis, presenting a version of ourselves that's carefully polished for public consumption. But I wanted to strip away the facade. I wanted to share not only the victories but also the battles, the scars, and the unvarnished truth. And so, I began posting on my blog more frequently, weaving together the threads of my life—both beautiful and broken. I revealed my fears, my doubts, and the moments when I felt utterly lost. It was as if I had unlocked a hidden reservoir of vulnerability. I didn't know how people would react, but I’m done hiding.

In the process, I discovered something profound. Writing about my trauma, my nightmares, and my most profound struggles brought me an unexpected sense of peace. It was as though I had unburdened my mind and heart, allowing the pain to flow out through the ink on the page. The nightmares that had haunted me for years began to lose their grip. But what surprised me even more was the response from women across the country. In blog comments, emails, Instagram DMs, and heartfelt messages, they reached out to me. They shared their own traumas, their own stories of pain and survival. And what struck me was that, like me, many of them had experienced violations at the hands of those they trusted most—a family member, a friend, someone they should have been able to rely on. It was a stark reminder of how common these experiences are, how widespread the pain runs. But it was also a testament to the strength and resilience of survivors. These women, like me, were finding their voices, speaking out, and breaking free from the chains of silence and shame.

Recently, I was talking to a close friend on the phone and I had shared my hesitations about fully embracing my purpose, my fears of vulnerability, and the anxiety of revealing my deepest scars to the world. With a reassuring tone, she said, "Do it scared." Those three simple words resonated deep within me. She reminded me that fear isn't an obstacle but a companion on the journey toward purpose. It's okay to feel scared, uncertain, and vulnerable because, in those moments, we often discover our true strength. She encouraged me to take that step, even if it meant trembling with fear, because it's through those trembling steps that we find our purpose and make a lasting impact. Those words became my mantra, propelling me forward in my quest to share my story and help others find their path to healing and empowerment.

I want to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my incredible friends and supporters, both near and far, who have been unwavering in their encouragement and dedication. Your commitment to reading my blog week after week, leaving thoughtful comments, and subscribing to new post updates means the world to me. Your support has been a beacon of light during the times when I've felt overwhelmed or unsure about sharing my journey. Knowing that there are amazing individuals out there who not only resonate with my story but also find strength and inspiration in it motivates me to keep pushing forward. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being part of this incredible journey with me. Your presence is a reminder that we're never alone in our struggles and that together, we can heal, grow, and walk boldly in our purpose.

Embrace the uncertainty, ya’ll, and let it fuel your journey. Fear may walk beside you, but don't let it lead. Whether it's starting that business, penning that book, or applying for that job, remember that every step forward, no matter how tentative, brings you closer to your dreams. You don't need to banish fear; just don't let it be the architect of your destiny. The most incredible adventures often begin with a trembling heart, a quivering hand, and the courage to do it scared. So go on, chase your aspirations, for it's in that dance with fear that you'll discover your true strength and the boundless potential that lies within you.


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